Seattle Public Schools


Restorative Practices Program

Restorative Practices at SPS

This page is for students, families, 以及寻求更多关于恢复性实践的信息,以及这些实践如何对正规的棋牌平台排行榜和大西雅图社区的文化做出贡献的员工.

这幅由当地艺术家涩谷Mari Shibuya创作的数字壁画反映了2021-2022学年早期修复项目团队的会议.
这幅由当地艺术家涩谷Mari Shibuya创作的数字壁画反映了2021-2022学年早期修复项目团队的会议.


Seattle Public Schools are at the heart of the city. SPS恢复性实践赋予学校社区和中心学生的健康和快乐的学习和生活. 我们参与了一个以关系和治疗为中心的过程,以促进社区联系, combat the harms of systemic racism, and cultivate racially just, equitable, and inclusive schools. We are a community that celebrates our individual and shared humanity.

Restorative Spotlight

A space to share stories, successes, and learnings from across the district! If you have a story we should spotlight, send it to Lian Caspi at

Franklin HS – A Model for the Implementation of Restorative Practices

Thank you to Chelsea Gallegos for sharing this story!!


来自学生和教职员工的反馈反映了他们渴望在正规的棋牌平台排行榜中建立更多的联系和归属感. At the beginning of the year the school-based therapist, levy-coordinator, 学校辅导员和副校长组成了一个小而强大的修复实践小组,并参与了一系列由达利莎·菲利普斯领导的每月深度PD会议, an Art Therapist, Abolitionist, and respected Restorative Practitioner from South Seattle.

该团队为FHS实施RJ制定了广泛的愿景和计划,并确定了未来两个学年的行动步骤. Simultaneously, 一小群想要了解更多关于恢复性实践的工作人员被邀请参加每月一期的入门系列pd,这些pd提供了如何在他们的教育实践中使用这些工具的基本理解.

Invested Educators - RP团队每月为员工提供可选的社区建设圈,以一种有意义的方式为他们提供联系的体验,展示他们不仅是教育者,而且是一个完整的人. The Race & 公平团队也明白,在富兰克林员工能够有效地开展反种族主义工作之前,员工之间需要更多的联系和信任. RET使用了几个绿色日pd来举办员工社区建设圈和联系经验,为RET工作所需的关键对话奠定坚实的基础.

Invested Students -在第二学期,校本治疗师开始了每月一次的“学生圈子守护者小组”,为学生提供了与同龄人一起坐在圈子里的机会. 教师们被要求提名有兴趣了解更多关于恢复性司法和/或保持圈子的学生,这些学生被邀请参加每月的学生圈子.  到那年年底,一组11名学生已经对Circle的力量非常投入,并希望自己成为Circle的守护者. Students were trained and wrote their own Community Building Circle, 然后将他们与一位愿意在课堂上建立学生领导圈的工作人员配对.  我们非常自豪的是,我们的学生圈管理员在六月底为他们的同龄人举办了18个社区建设圈. 学生和教职员工都对他们的圈子带来的愉快影响以及以一种新的方式了解学生的机会给予了压倒性的积极反馈.

Invested School Community -明年FHS将有一名修复实践协调员,他将领导我们的团队并掌握这项重要工作的范围.  Securing funding for this position was vital to the sustainability of Restorative Practices; however, it is possible to begin this work even if you do not yet have a coordinator. 我们鼓励其他学校组建他们自己的RP团队,与那些相信这种转型工作的人在一起,同时提倡为协调员提供资金.  在2023-2024学年,我们计划在所有咨询课程中每月至少举办一次社区建设圈, along with other community bonding activities. 学生圈管理员计划在8月的三天里为教职员工领导圈子,作为他们成为老师圈管理员的一种方式.  我们非常希望,通过使用恢复性实践,教职员工和学生之间的关系会更加紧密, we will cultivate an overall feeling of joy, belonging and interconnectedness here at Franklin High School!

Growing Restorative Practices Throughout SPS

今年夏天,正规的棋牌平台排行榜的恢复性实践吸引了一批新的观众. During the second week of August, SPS building leaders attended the annual School Leader Institute (SLI). 在与建筑领导者职责范围相关的一系列主题中, there was a specific day-long theme centering Restorative Practices. Included in this day were community-building activities, 分组会议和全面介绍恢复性实践及其在我们地区的地位.

当天的亮点之一是听取建筑领导人的集体智慧. Keyunda Wilson from Emerson Elementary, John Houston from Whitman Middle School, 来自Chief Sealth国际高中的Ray Garcia-Morales和Katie Virga, 一位来自奥克兰联合学区的经验丰富的建筑领导者(目前是SPS的主要领导教练)分享了挑战, successes, considerations, 在他们的学校社区培养恢复性文化的相关轶事和一般智慧.

分组讨论包括以学生为中心的纪律考虑等主题, 实施恢复性实践和恢复性会议的实用工具和策略. 这些课程是由正规的棋牌平台排行榜的领导在学校大楼里提供的, who are community partners and who work in SPS Central Office.

Overall, the day was full of hope, 关于正规的棋牌平台排行榜如何成为一个以学生的健康和快乐为中心的学习和生活的联系和智慧.

Thank you Wa-BLoC Team for sharing this story!!!!

WA-BLOC Supports Seattle Schools and Families

We are WA-BLOC, 该组织致力于南西雅图黑人和棕色人种社区的教育和社会正义的交叉点,其使命是通过变革性教育和革命性的社会行动建立和培养代际领袖. Working with multiple schools across South Seattle/SPS, 我们为黑人和棕色人种的青年提供治愈和快乐的空间,并帮助学校培养和维持全校范围内的恢复性实践. Students and staff are equipped through our Restorative Justice programs with tools to build community, help resolve conflicts, and address school policies and systems that perpetuate trauma and harm.

Restorative Practice for Schools – Emerson Elementary

At Emerson Elementary School, over 80 3rd-5th graders have learned about the practice of Circle Keeping, its Indigenous roots, 以及如何在冲突中进行有意识的对话和实践和平 “Peacekeepers.” With our support, every classroom also participates in weekly community-building circles, 创造一种促进社会情感联系和技能培养的正规的棋牌平台排行榜, student voice, and academic learning. For AAPI month, 我们为教师提供了每周主题社区建设圈,为他们的学生提供了更多反思的机会, learn about, and celebrate Asian American Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander heritage, leadership, and social action. Circle themes included AAPI heroes in history like Grace Lee Boggs, Wing Luke, and Aki Kurose, who have led for change, community, solidarity, and justice.

学校管理人员和工作人员也在整个学年中参加了1-2级恢复性实践的专业发展培训机会. 这些共同的努力以及与艾默生员工的深入合作,增加了学生和员工之间的联系和归属感, 自2018年以来,通过使用恢复性司法实践,学生停学人数减少了90%,整个学年的伤害事件减少了

Restorative Practices for Families

恢复性实践不仅可以支持健康的学校社区,还可以应用到我们的家庭和家庭文化中! This past month, WA-BLOC为爱默生小学的学者和家庭举办了第二届恢复性司法家庭之夜. Lena Nguyen, our Restorative Justice Practitioner reflected:

“With the endless support of Emerson teachers, staff, and students, we held a space filled with joy, love, and appreciation for the community that has grown at Emerson Elementary. 当晚的活动以学生维和人员在艾默生开展的恢复性工作为基础开始:三位学者分享了他们在支持同龄人的过程中获得的领导经验和智慧. 他们的家人自豪地看着他们的孩子分享他们在爱默生社区的重要角色. 各家各户在孩子的指导下制作了自己的装饰品. Words and themes that were prevalent in all centerpieces were “play, gratitude, love, and celebration with family”! 我们目睹了一些父母的情绪反应,目睹他们的孩子在他们的中心装饰上代表他们家庭的爱和关怀的符号. After completing their centerpieces, 家长们用六种不同的家庭语言将他们分组,分享他们今年关于孩子成长的经历. They shared that their children have experienced growth in confidence, happiness and friendship because of the Emerson community. 家长们表达了他们对学校的归属感,无论是对个人还是对孩子. 这是一次强有力的经历,证明了艾默生的老师们每天都在为学生们创造一个安全和受欢迎的学校体验.”

WA-BLOC很荣幸能够与艾默生社区共同创建和分享这样的空间,并感谢当晚所有表现出支持的优秀老师! We cannot wait to keep building this work alongside families at Emerson!

Cultivating and Nurturing a Restorative Justice Community Across SPS

作为本学年早些时候举行的RJ开球活动的延续, 4月26日和5月17日,我们在Nova高中举行了两次社区实践会议,我们很高兴能聚集教育工作者和建筑领导者. Seattle Public Schools’ Restorative Practices team, Huayruro, WA-BLOC为中小学教职员工和管理人员提供了6个圈子. 会议的重点是围绕建立和平圈进程进行技能建设,并回答教育工作者和建设领导人提出的关于在各自社区实施课堂和全校范围内的恢复性实践的问题.

Get involved with WA-BLOC

Sign up for the WA-BLOC newsletter or follow us on Instragram 及时了解我们的工作和与我们合作和支持我们的机会! For other information or inquiries, email us at

Centerpiece element; a circle with personal values written  on them in colorful marker.


在21- 22学年结束时进行了景观分析,旨在了解SPS地区周围的恢复实践, the Restorative Team partnered with Wa-Bloc, Huayruro, Solutions by Cadenas, CCS Unlimited, The Roots of Us, DEEL和其他组织举办了一个社区聚会来自西雅图地区的恢复性从业者. The hope for this gathering was to connect, 加强支持SPS学生和家庭的恢复性社区,并形成对恢复性实践的集体理解,以便整个城市的学生都有与恢复性实践和社区和谐相关的凝聚力体验.

Community Organizations and Partners

Digital art with various quotes throughout the design. Some of the quotes are: "what is bringing you peace?", "the work of addressing resistance happens before the circle"
这幅由当地艺术家涩谷Mari Shibuya创作的数字壁画反映了2021-2022学年春季社区对修复实践的声音.

SPS修复团队认识到,虽然学区有一个有意义的足迹和范围, this work is inherently about community-building and partnership. Further, 还有一些人在西雅图地区和西雅图的学校里领导着这项工作, only in partnership, SPS修复团队能否实现其在正规的棋牌平台排行榜培养修复文化的目标.


Events & Training Opportunities

women sitting next to candles in the shape of a heart

Homicide Healing Circles

Second Friday of the month at 6-7:30 p.m.

Meeting Info:
Zoom Meeting ID: 827 5412 1737
Passcode: 416054

Angela M. Davis

Huayruro logo

Community Circles

Held monthly

社区圈子是一个与他人坐在一起并使用圈子过程探索主题的地方. It is a great opportunity to experience Circle, whether it is your first time or you are revisiting after many times.

The Root of Us logo

Sisterhood Self Care Series

Saturdays at 3:30-5 p.m.


Hosted by The Root Of Us

The Root of Us logo

Brotherhood Self Care Series

Thursdays at 6-7:30 p.m.

This series is designed for Black identifying Youth, Young Adults and Men of Color to build community and heal together.

Hosted by The Root Of Us

The Root of Us logo

Racial Healing Circles

Sundays at 11:30 a.m.

勇敢的空间,与所有种族的人有意识地谈论种族! Join the full 6 week Series of Racial Healing.

Cost: $10-100

Hosted by The Root Of Us

Resolutions Northwest

Self-Guided Online Courses


Cost: Varies

Hosted by Resolutions Northwest

Collective Wisdom: Restorative Practices Resources

tier i, tier ii, and tier iii
Tiered Restorative Practice Supports (OUSD Implementation Manual, pg. 12)


Gradually, with perseverance, 正规的棋牌平台排行榜将成为一个恢复性的地区,所有的年轻人都可以在学习努力的中心体验社区和谐,每所学校都将在他们的学校社区培养恢复性文化.

The following resources are organized for:

  • Tier 1: Community Building
  • Tier 2: Conflict Resolution & 修复,系统级开发,以及与修复实践相关的通识教育.

*注:这些资源旨在补充培训和正在进行的实践,以反映您学校社区的恢复性文化(或有抱负的文化). 它们并不是用来作为对缺乏社区联系和归属感的文化情况的“恢复性”反应.

如果没有社区联系和归属感,那我们还能恢复到什么呢? 以下资源用于支持关注社区建设的实践, establishing trust, and foster relationships in general. These include samples of circles that can be modeled after, 可以自发使用的练习以及建立归属感和联系感的游戏或活动.

Scholar Community Building Brainstorm K-5 -收集资源活动,游戏和问题,以建立社区在K-5设置. (Generated by Wa-Bloc)

Helpful Hints Circle Prep Form

一个巨大的资源来指导规划恢复性实践圈,包括重要的作品, considerations, 一个工作表来指导思考和一些历史,以告知更深层次的理解. Created by RJOY

Potential Classroom Examples of Tier 1 Community Building Practices 以下是一些潜在的课堂社区建设实践,可以为重建和社区和谐奠定基础. (Generated by WA-BLOC):

  • Community building games
  • Greeting scholars
  • Saying student’s names correctly
  • Affirmations/recognitions
  • Creating check-in time for standing meetings
  • Co-crafted community agreements/class charter/staff charter
  • Calling families (positive things as well)
  • Showing up for family night/curriculum nights
  • Incorporating student interests/culture in classroom
  • Mindfulness/breathing exercises
  • 在课堂讨论中使用对话片/在课堂上结合圆形元素
  • Soliciting student feedback on assignments/having them self evaluate
  • Modeling accountability/normalizing mistakes/humility
  • Using intentional questions to discuss personal and shared values
  • Staff appreciation activities/gestures
  • Follow through
  • 为需要学习的孩子创造结构是一种一致性/可预测性
  • Schedule and class expectations and revisiting those regularly
  • Calm down corners/regulation spaces

当社区被破坏或发生冲突,需要恢复解决和/或修复时, there are resources that can support that effort. 这里有一些材料,可以模仿或应用于支持解决和修复你可能正在经历的冲突.

Cleveland HS STEM Discipline Flowchart -这个例子来自克利夫兰高中,确定了可以告知如何应对对社区造成伤害的行为的考虑因素,以达到恢复重点的结果.

Beacon Hill International Restorative Questions Card 这是来自Beacon Hill International的一个工具和问题的例子,它支持从恢复的立场与学校社区中的个人接触.

John Hay Peace Path -约翰·海的例子是一个工作表,支持学生努力解决冲突,并认识到对方的善意行为.

John Hay Blue Reflection Sheet 约翰·海的这个例子是一个工作表,旨在促使学生反思所发生的事情, 自己的感受和他人的感受并寻找积极的前进道路.

In addition to practices at Tier 1 and Tier 2, 应该把注意力放在整个学校社区作为一个系统存在的思考和实践上. 这种系统级的思考可以最好地确保在整个学校社区中出现的实践和经验的一致性.

Oakland Unified School District Restorative Justice Implementation Guide -这是一个资源,用于支持恢复性实践促进者/协调员在其现场实施全校范围的恢复性项目. It comes with broader, higher level questions related to principles of RJ and general steps to follow; down to more granular elements that include templates and reflective questions.

San Francisco Unified School District Restorative Practice Principles-一套反映SFUSD实施恢复性措施价值的原则.

There is so much to learn about Restorative Practices, its history, 它的应用和最基本的要素是什么,可以确保工作的完整性和尊重其精神. 为了更好地理解恢复性方法固有的一般哲学,下面收集了一些资源和建议,供进一步阅读.

SPS Restorative Training from TRI-Days -这是一个视频集合,从2016年开始的所有地区培训日中捕获了多层恢复性活动.

Mindful Schools: Restorative Justice in Schools video – an example of a restorative circle

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