Seattle Public Schools

Native American Education

Staff Bios & Contact Information

Native American Education Staff

Gail Morris

我是Nuu-chah-nulth FN, Ahousat乐队. I started my career as the Title Vll Coordinator in the Edmonds School District #15 for six years and then taught 5th grade for my practicum. 在Muckleshoot部落学校为Muckleshoot印第安部落工作, 我教了四年四年级. Here, I was on the Leadership Team, Accreditation Team, PLC Leadership Team, and Culture and Language Leadership Team and was an Instructional Team Leader for grades 3-5, 自古以来部落主权课程培训师, 中学男女混合足球队教练. I also worked at the Muckleshoot Tribal College as the Muckleshoot Occupational Skills Training (MOST) Instructor. I participate in Tribal Journeys and travel with my canoe family on Vancouver Island, BC. To reach me, please email me at or call 206-252-0948.

Shana Brown

我很自豪能成为SPS印第安人教育团队的一员. 我不仅主要来自上述三个部落, 我也是Squaxin人的后裔, Snoqualmie, and Stillaguamish tribes. 我在雅卡马族保留地出生长大, and I recently discovered from my Muckleshoot and Puyallup relatives that both my maternal grandparents descend from the House of tciaƚtsa. 作为他们的孙女,我更加自豪.

2021年春天,我完成了我的第30个班主任生涯. Writing curriculum that reflects my tribes, my culture, and my family has always been my passion. 我在2005年初开始了我的旅程, writing curriculum for the Washington State Historical Society and continued into 2007 as the principal writer for 自古以来:华盛顿州的部落主权. I still am one of the principal writers, but with a much larger writing team these days! 我的一些项目包括俄勒冈州的课程, the University of Montana’s Regional Learning Project (Now a part of the STI curriculum), the National Park Service (Honoring Tribal Legacies)和史密森尼国家美洲印第安人博物馆(Why Do the Foods We Eat Matter? and The Fish Wars). I also contributed a chapter to 缩小美国原住民学生的成绩差距.

Boo Balkan Foster

请随时联系我 如果你的学生上的是Denny或Chief Sealth. I am humbled to work in partnership with families and provide advocacy in a variety of forms whether it is navigating the school system, 参加IEP会议或者只是作为大楼里的一个人, “gets your student’s back.” All Native students may take my class, focusing on identity safety and academic achievement. Students enrolled in šəqačib earn elective credit towards high school graduation.

虽然我在西雅图学校做了四分之一个世纪的教育者, 我是在2015年被录用的. š æ qa ib是一个南方的Lushootseed单词,意思是“举手”.“感谢Muckleshoot语言部门给我起了这么漂亮的名字. I decided when I began this work to use the name as a metaphor to guide my work and what I do to support students. 一切都是为了让学生“振作起来”.” It is an honor to support students and lift them towards their goals and dreams as they claim their rightful places as leaders.

我就读于华盛顿大学,并获得文学学士学位. 在华盛顿大学的时候,我是女子校队的一名运动员. I also attended Seattle Pacific University and graduated with a Master of Arts in Teaching. 我持有华盛顿州英语教学证书, Visual Arts, 语言艺术与特殊教育. I believe in the transformative power of education and believe quality teaching is an art and an act of love. 当我不教书的时候,我喜欢和我的配偶和两个孩子在一起.

Khemarak Pom

大家好,我是Khemarak Pom,在校园里被称为Mr. Kam. I am the Instructional Assistant in šəqačib at Chief Sealth International High School alongside Boo Balkan Foster.

我的工作是帮助学生应对学校的严格要求. 其目标是为土著青年提供学术支持. 我辅修核心课程,重点是科学和数学.

I grew up in the Southwest Seattle neighborhood and it’s been a pleasure to go back to my roots at Sealth.


Levi Harter

Hau Mitakuyepi,

My name is Levi Harter and I’m a first year teacher and a citizen of the Oglala Lakota
Oyate. 我在伊利诺斯州圣路易斯市北部的一个小镇上长大. Louis and after high
我的大学之旅从刘易斯和克拉克社区学院开始. After obtaining my Associates degree I traveled around the country until I caught wind of the Water Protection occupation at Standing Rock, 通常被称为#NODAPL抗议活动. I spent just under five months, through the winter, at the encampment which empowered and politicized me with the vigor and fervor of true Indigenous Resistance to colonialism.

I received my Masters in Teaching from The Evergreen College in the Spring of 2022, 在中学社会研究领域获得认可. 在TESC期间,我还在本地衔接课程中获得了学士学位, an upper level undergraduate program that emphasizes and promotes Indigeneity and critical analysis of the western framework.  我们的座右铭是“我们不是来研究印度人的,印度人是来学习的”.”  

作为一名新教师,能够为我们的土著青年服务,我感到无比兴奋, this program and opportunity is more than I could’ve expected and am excited to bring my own Indigenized interpretation of a liberatory pedagogy to our bright young next generation. I hope to pass on the empowerment and strength that was imbued in me by many brilliant Native scholars, artists, activists, culture keepers, organizers and caretakers. Alongside a powerhouse of strong Native women already present within the Native Education department, I’m looking forward to utilizing each other’s strengths to protect and uplift our precious urban Indian Youth.

大家好,我是皮拉尔·桑多瓦尔·莫伯格!   我是美国印第安人资源图书馆的图书馆助理. 我在康涅狄格州出生和长大. 上大学时,我就读于加州大学圣地亚哥分校. After graduating I remained in California working at a public library until moving to Seattle for graduate school. I am currently a second-year student at the University of Washington in the Master of Library and Information Science program. I have a pet cat named Charlie who is a bit of a menace but makes up for it by being very cute. 在我的空闲时间,我喜欢手工和烘焙.

Coming soon

My Name is Kurstyn. 我有社会工作的学士和硕士学位. 我的整个职业生涯都在社会服务领域工作.  我选择了社会服务作为职业, 教育人们,让他们知道,有了知识和行为的改变, you can be the product of your efforts in life and not the product of where you have been.  我喜欢运动,尤其是足球和棒球.  在我的空闲时间,我喜欢旅行和与家人在一起.  I love to laugh and read.  我喜欢夏天的天气和大自然的散步.  我有一只1岁的狮子狗,名叫查奇. 

My name is Nicole, and I am a certified teacher working at Nathan Hale and Jane Addams alongside Mr. 哈特在教室里. I am Inupiaq and Yupik; my family comes from the little island of Diomede up in the Northern part of Alaska, 虽然我们已经分散到诺姆了, Tanana, Fairbanks, and here! I’ve lived in Seattle my entire life, though I’ve enjoyed traveling up to visit.

I received my Master’s from Seattle Pacific University and double majored for a Bachelor’s at the University of Washington, 我在那里学习历史和英语. 我参加了本科生座谈会, focusing on a project that traced the politics of the development of Ethnic Studies in college and high schools as well as the development of American Indian Studies in college and high schools. 我在西雅图的公立学校做过志愿者和学生教学, 教过历史, English, and related subjects at Muckleshoot Tribal School and in multiple private schools throughout the area, with a focus on the development and impacts of settler-colonialism alongside the resistance and celebration of Indigenous voices.

我很高兴能在美国原住民教育部门工作, as it allows a specific focus on building up Native students to connect with their history and culture to feel empowered in the world we live in today.