Seattle Public Schools


African American Male Achievement (AAMA)

Kingmakers student with microphone preparing to speak to the audience

The Office of African American Male Achievement (AAMA)

How AAMA Works

African American Male Achievement Seattle Public Schools logo

非洲裔美国男性成就办公室(AAMA)成立于2019年8月,是SPS的一个创新中心,专注于培养黑人男孩和青少年的优势. As a driver of systemic change, professional development, and direct support, AAMA provides resources, focused programming, and data capacity. The Office’s small team also works with students, families, and educators to promote school culture, conditions, competencies, and community connections that enable students to succeed. AAMA通过系统改变而不是学生干预的框架来完成这项工作

AAMA’s Mission


AAMA是正规的棋牌平台排行榜服务生态系统中的一个部门. 纠正系统性教育不公平的世代工作早在AAMA成立之前就开始了,并将在AAMA成立后长期持续下去. 该办公室认为,有效的股权策略——那些改变惯例的策略, policies, 支持历史上服务最少的社区的项目可以促进学校的重新设计,使每个学习者受益.

Seattle Public Schools is the first district in Washington state, and one of the few across the nation, 创建一个专门培养非裔美国男学生文化和学术优势的办公室,同时满足他们的需求.

A young student holds up a piece of student art and smiles for a photo
Community Engagement Report
Our Voice, Our Vision

Our Voice, 我们的愿景是该部门的第一份社区报告,探讨我们的黑人男孩如何, teens, 而家庭对学校制度的体验已成为学校制度研究的基础.

Read the report

Four Strategic Areas of Focus

AAMA’s work is grounded in four values: culture, conditions, competencies, and community connection.

Culture: rituals, routines, and practices that honor students’ strengths.

In collaboration with students, staff, families, and the community, AAMA将利用变革性的反种族主义实践来破坏系统性种族主义模式,重建学校系统,以支持非洲裔美国男孩和年轻男性在教育和生活方面的进步.


  • 我们审计了以黑人男孩和青少年为重点的中央支持,并与一些刚毕业的学生和7 -12年级的学生进行了焦点小组讨论,以确定我们需要改进的学校文化方面,并支持适合他们的系统.
  • 在远程学习和遇到意想不到的障碍时,我们致力于帮助黑人男性老年人. In partnership with other departments, AAMA支持学校工作人员的工作,以检查每个学生,并确保黑人男性毕业生顺利毕业.
  • 我们聘请了黑人男性领袖亚当·海兹利普和凯文·罗伊作为AAMA的经理. They are incredible role models for our Kings.
  • We launched the AAMA Student Leadership Council in February 2020. AAMA的管理人员每两周举行一次远程会议和个人签到,以确保黑人男孩和青少年在做出影响他们生活和教育的决定时继续有发言权.

Conditions: policies, structures, & systems that support welcoming and safe learning spaces. AAMA works with district leadership, the school board, and school leaders to develop and implement policies, structures, 以及支持所有非裔美国男学生健康发展和学习的系统.


  • 将黑人学生的声音集中在COVID-19计划等举措的决策过程中, grading practices, anti-racism policies, student engagement, and Fall 2020 planning.
  • Partnered with Chief of Equity, Partnerships, and Engagement; the SPS Department of Racial Equity Advancement team; and other educational leaders and groups to build capacity for racial equity initiatives benefiting our Black boys and teens.
  • 与其他部门合作,通过“即时需要基金”确定需要直接支持的学生和家庭, an Amazon partnership with the Alliance for Education that helps principals, teachers, and parents collaborate to remove students’; most basic barriers to learning, such as the need for food, clothing, and housing.
  • Collaboratively secured $1.800万美元来自当地的慈善机构,为AAMA制定政策的工作服务, structures, and systems designed for Black male students’ success. Read more about Alliance for Education.

Competencies: skills & knowledge that educators need to reach and teach Black boys & teens. 该地区致力于增加针对内隐偏见的综合培训, institutional and structural racism, and cultural competency; and growing the percentage of African American male educators and leaders in the district.


  • Over 500 staff, educators, 社区成员有机会直接从黑人男孩和青少年那里听到他们的经历,以及他们需要什么才能在学校取得成功. 在2020年8月举行的为期四天的反种族主义解放教育学院期间, AAMA与种族平等促进部合作,为黑人男孩和青少年创造了一个机会,让他们直接与SPS的工作人员分享他们的才华, educators, and community members who attended. Read more about the Anti-Racist Education Institute.
  • Young people have told us that representation matters. AAMA正在支持人力资源团队雇佣和招募更多的有色人种教育工作者.
    • 在2020-21学年,SPS已经比其多元化招聘目标平均高出10%.
    • 该学区聘用更多有色人种教育工作者的一种方式是“新兴教育工作者学院”(Academy of Rising educators), a program helping those who are rooted in our communities, planning to teach long-term, and dedicated to anti-racist practices earn their teaching certificates.
  • In light of ongoing police violence and acts of anti-Black racism, 美国医学会就这些重要问题的讨论和行动提供了地区和学校交流方面的指导.

Community Connection: direct supports & networking opportunities for students to thrive. As part of SPS’s commitment to African American boys and young men, SPS will ensure that they receive the direct service supports (i.e. mentorship, sponsorship, internship opportunities, etc.), and community networking opportunities they need to navigate, thrive, and succeed not only in Seattle Public Schools but in life.


  • Collaborating with the Department of Education and Early Learning, the Coalition of Schools Educating Boys of Color, and other key stakeholders.
  • Modeling work on the successful Kingmakers of Oakland program, AAMA和西雅图市教育和早期学习部(DEEL)在四所学校实施了西雅图造王者计划. “西雅图造王者”是一个为黑人男学生开设的选修课, facilitated by Black male educators. The course curriculum emphasizes black history, cultural knowledge, positive self-identity, literacy and academic mentoring. 在西雅图家庭和教育税的支持下,西雅图造王者计划将在2021- 2022年再扩大两所学校. Read more about Kingmakers on the Seattle Times.
  • Joined Kingmakers of Oakland’s Learning Collaborative, a cross-functional, multi-generational group of district, student, families, city and community teams sharing experiences, discussing lessons learned, participating in continuous improvement processes, and addressing problems of practice within African American male achievement.
  • With the Equity, Partnerships, and Engagement team, AAMA has joined a community task force of SPS staff, City of Seattle staff, 以及社区合作伙伴,以确定和审核针对黑人男孩和青少年的社区项目,以提供更多协调和合作的支持.

Community-Shaped Strategy

We actively involve Black students, families, partners, community elders, 以及更大的西雅图社区建立一个系统,在整个SPS庆祝黑人男孩和青少年的才华. Community insights have shaped our five strategy areas. 在2024年1月即将发布的战略更新报告中了解更多正规的棋牌平台排行榜的战略. AAMA supports district academic and social goals in its efforts to

  1. Lead from the vision of Black boys and teens
  2. Cultivate Black family power, trust, and district accountability
  3. Implement asset-based measures, equitable research, and communication
  4. Provide culturally relevant mentoring for Black boys and teens
  5. Support cross-divisional learning and connection for impact